Laszlo SEALs of Steel Series Book 5 Kindle edition by Laszlo is different from his SEAL brothers He is quiet unassuming and laid back He still is as deadly and tough as the rest just more subdued I like that I enjoyed this latest story about the SEALS of Steel It has events that are true to life and gets the reader very involved quickly I also like that Geir is there to offer his help and expertise Laszlo SEALs of Steel Dale Mayer 9781773360829 Amazon Laszlo SEALs of Steel Paperback – September 23 2018 by Dale Mayer Author Laszlo SEALs of Steel 5 by Dale Mayer Laszlo SEALs of Steel series This book picks up right where the last book ends with Laszlo and Geir following leads to discover more about Mouse and where he grew up in Texas They run across a neighborMinx that was very close to him until she was sixteen when he left town with his boyfriend Lance Laszlo SEALs of Steel Series 5 by Dale Mayer NOOK Laszlo is different from his SEAL brothers He is quiet unassuming and laid back He still is as deadly and tough as the rest just more subdued I like that I enjoyed this latest story about the SEALS of Steel It has events that are true to life and gets the reader very involved quickly I also like that Geir is there to offer his help and expertise SEALs of Steel Series 8 book series Kindle Edition Laszlo SEALs of Steel Series Book 5 by Dale Mayer Author 47 out of 5 stars 79 499 Minx Montgomerys only light in a terrible childhood was her neighbor and best friend Mouse When he left Texas at the age of seventeen she never heard from him again though shes never forgotten him either She moved in with her uncle went to college Customer reviews Laszlo SEALs of Steel Laszlo is different from his SEAL brothers He is quiet unassuming and laid back He still is as deadly and tough as the rest just more subdued I like that I enjoyed this latest story about the SEALS of Steel It has events that are true to life and gets the reader very involved quickly I also like that Geir is there to offer his help and expertise Books similar to Laszlo SEALs of Steel 5 Find books like Laszlo SEALs of Steel 5 from the world’s largest community of readers Goodreads members who liked Laszlo SEALs of Steel 5 also SEALs of Steel Audiobooks Listen to the Full Series When Badger Horley a SEAL and the rest of his eightman unit hit an antitank landmine on a routine reconnaissance mission all were badly injured but one of his men died Having only joined a year before hed been the youngest member of the squad Mouse left behind unanswered questions about his Laszlo on Apple Books “SEALs of Steel” were an eightman SEAL team unit that was misledambushedgiven “bogus” orders that caused them to hit a landmine in their transport All the men were grievously injured and one man “Mouse” died Cade SEALs of Steel Series Book 3 Kindle edition by CADE SEALs of STEEL is book 3 of Ms Dales “new” series Since can’t do 12 stars is gave a full “4” star rating as I felt wouldn’t be fair to rate “3” I will reiterate as usual it will assist you to read SEALs of Honor and Heroes for Hire books in order to fully understand all the characters nuances
Title : Laszlo (SEALs of Steel)
ISBN : 1773360825
Release Date : 2018-09-23
Number of Pages :
Author :
Rating : 4.5
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